Sdui - Our communication platform

Dear parents,

Welcome to the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule (GHS). With this letter you will receive all the information you need to use the Sdui school app as well as the activation code for registration.

The Sdui school app offers many functions. We use the following at GHS:

· Secure and data protection compliant communication with you via the integrated messenger.
· Sending electronic letters to parents and the possibility of feedback from you to the class teachers and the secretary's office. This is also possible in different languages.
· Notification of children's illness via the “Unsubscribe” function.
· A video function for digital parent consultation times.
· Newsfeed: Important information for all parents appears directly on the start page of the app.


Sdui is not only available as an app for mobile devices (cell phones, tablets, etc.), but also as a web app. This means that Sdui can also be easily accessed on a PC via the Internet browser. Only German servers are used and all data protection standards are met.

You will receive an activation code from us to register with Sdui. The code is only valid once for registration.

So that we can reach all parents via Sdui, it is important to us that at least one parent per child registers with Sdui. If you need a second parent access for Sdui, you can create this yourself or apply for another access via the class teacher. If you have several children at our school, you can link all of them in your parent access. Please note that parent accounts may only be used by parents or legal guardians.

You can download the Sdui app for mobile devices from your app store on your smartphone/tablet. To use it on your computer, open your internet browser and enter “” in the address bar. This will take you to the web app. Alternatively, you can find a direct link to the Sdui web app on our homepage (

When you open up the website, you will first be asked for the name of the school and then enter the activation code in the second step. You then go through the registration process and can immediately use Sdui to communicate with the school. When registering, it is extremely important that you check your child's name and class and only make changes if the name and/or class displayed is incorrect. Otherwise, please do not change this data under any circumstances!

Digital sick note
If your child is unable to attend school due to illness or other important reasons, you are obliged to inform the school or class teacher immediately.
This first notification of illness / absence can be done via Sdui (function: deregistration). Nevertheless, you must excuse your child in writing on the third day after the first notification of illness/absence, stating the reason and the expected duration of absence.
Please refer to the GHS parent information brochure (p. 7/8) for further information on the obligation to excuse your child according to the school law.

If you have any questions about Sdui, please contact your child's class teacher.

Yours sincerely

Nina-Nora Buchsteiner


Download the Sdui-App for mobile devices

QR Code Sdui App Android for Android

QR Code Sdui App Apple for Apple


Using Sdui via the Internet browser

QR Codes Nutzung von Sdui über den Internet Browser


Registration page of the GHS at Sdui

QR Codes Anmeldeseite der GHS bei Sdui

Click here for our Sdui login:


Instructions and FAQs on Sdui for parents

QR Code Anleitungen und FAQs zu Sdui für Eltern


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